Monday, April 28, 2008

Moral Integrity

This week I became aware of a moral failure of an individual (not from the PennDel Ministry Network) involved in ministry. The moral fabric of America has fallen on hard time, but one would hope those in ministry could rise above the temptations and live morally pure lives. The reality is that no one is above the potential of a moral failure. I do not mean to minimize sin in any form, particularly for a minister of the Gospel. Still, he who is without sin may cast the first stone. This post is not about casting stones or about excusing failure.

How can anyone be sure to avoid a moral failure and maintain moral integrity? There are no guarantees but we can all take some precautions.

1. Make sure your personal relationship with the Lord is up to date and healthy.
2. Make yourself accountable to people who will ask you the hard questions.
3. Don't put yourself in compromising situations.
4. Monitor your thought life.
5. Keep yourself healthy; body, soul, spirit, getting adequate rest, nutrition, and exercise.
6. Think before you act. What could be the natural results of your choices. How would you feel if your spouse became aware of your actions? How would you face your children? What would people in your church think. What impact would this have on your witness to people outside the church, the unsaved or unchurched? How would you face the Lord?
7. Are you feeling appreciated and affirmed in you personal life and ministry? If not you are vulnerable.

No one has an adequate excuse to fall into temptation, but we can keep watch on ourselves and monitor our lives for areas of weakness and vulnerability. Once a failure occurs it is too late. Now is the time for self-examination and personal reflection. Remember that the little foxes spoil the vines.


sonforu said...

I believe that one has to focus on the wife and family that he has been given by God so that they are the primary persons in his life above all others (even the ministry). Then other relationships will be more in line thought wise. If the effort is placed in the right direction and the family and especially the husband/wife relationship is WORKED AT then the desire for "greener grass" won't be as tempting.
Just a thought
Pastor Kitner

Stephen Tourville said...

So true Pastor Kitner. The mind is the battle ground. Overcoming evil with good is such a critical principle from the Word.

Paul said...

RE: Number 7...

Congratulations, Steve, on earning your doctorate this week!!!!

Don't want our superintendent to be vulnerable.:)