Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Navigating the journey of life and ministry should not be undertaken alone. We need one another for many reasons. 1)Mutual encouragement is a biblical mandate. 2)If two are better than one, what happens when we all work together? 3)The battle is a joint effort, not an individual contest with the forces of darkness. 4)Wisdom is gained in the multitude of counselors. 5)Unity is a biblical principle that gives the promise of God's bestowing his blessing (Psalm 133). 6)Accountability occurs in the context of relationships. Many additional items could be listed, but these are a few significant issues important on our journey.

Yesterday, our district presbytery met together for our June meeting. I was reminded by the Lord how blessed we are to have the opportunity of partnering with people of character and integrity. The journey of life and ministry opens many doors of relationships. From time to time, I hear leaders who would like to avoid the governance issues of ministerial leadership. To me, these relationships provide tremendous possibilities of personal and corporate development as we walk together through this life. The accountability that exists does not limit the work of ministry, but rather, serves as a protection for the work of God maintaining integrity for the people of God.

We are here to serve, not to be served. Being accountable to those we serve is never a burden, but a joy.

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