Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bridge Builders

Conflict Management has become a relational necessity in church ministry. The PennDel Ministry Network has developed BridgeBuilders as a resource for pastors and churches to deal effectively with conflict as well as to develop systems within the local church for handling conflict. Pastor Tim, seen on this clip, or I will be happy to respond to further questions.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Graduate

My family recently blessed me with a celebration on the occasion of my graduating from AGTS with a Doctor of Ministry. A part of the celebration was this video that my son-in-law put together. I hope you might enjoy seeing a bit of my life story!

2008 Memorial Video

Memorial Day is a time to honor those who have given their lives for the cause of freedom for our nation. At our recent PennDel MinistrieSummit, we remembered those who went to their eternal reward during this past year and faithfully served throughout their lives for the cause of Christ. Join us in honoring them as you view this video.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Tragedy in Life

Many of you are aware of the tragedy that has struck the family of Stephen Curtis Chapman.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Let's Pray for Steven Curtis Chapman and Family
Many of you, like me, have been blessed by the music of the Grammy and Dove award winning musician, Steven Curtis Chapman. Yesterday afternoon, tragedy struck his family. His youngest daughter, 5 year old Maria Sue, was struck and killed in the family's driveway by a vehicle driven by one of her older brothers. The police are referring to the incident as a "tragic accident." Somehow, those words seem woefully inadequate. As a father, I cannot even begin to imagine the pain Steven, his wife Beth and the rest of the family are experiencing right now. But I am glad to know that the One who knows exactly how they are feeling is there alongside of them right now, wrapping his arms of strength and comfort around them.

Our hearts are grieved along with this precious family. May the God of all comfort minister His comfort to them during these difficult days.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Compassion is the heart of Christ for people in our world today. Somehow, Christians have earned a reputation for being judgmental, arrogant, proud, and angry. The Penndel Ministry Network is working to develop systems that will assist pastors and churches in meeting the human needs of people in our communities with a tangible expression of God's love by partnering together to share experience, contact, and resources that will provide means to meet the human needs of those around us. PennDel Charities is working to effectively reach out to others with the reality of Christ. If this video rings a bell for you, contact PennDel for more information. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Jericho Road

When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? In our frenzied lifestyle, I often wonder when life will slow down so I can do the things I really enjoy. Then I asked myself (I really think it was the Lord who posed the question), "If you could do anything you wanted to do and money was no object, what would you do?" Hum? The fact is, I would do exactly what I am doing. So, the reality is, my frame of mind makes all the difference.

Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity to be a good Samaritan. Two individuals approached meat Barnes and Noble out of the blue. As usual, I was feeling the time crunch of getting to the next point of "ministry" when the interruption came. They wanted my opinion about some reading materials that I happened to know something about. How did they know i could be a source of information. They were from out of town, had no idea of my background or even that I am a minister. The story flashed through my mind in an instant. Would I respond like the Priest and Levite, or would I respond in the way the story told by Jesus intended to teach?

I have no idea what will become of this new believer/layed off truck driver and the self-proclaimed mentoring mother-figure to him. Having an opportunity to bind up some wounds and provide care and healing for some who have been robbed, beaten up by the devil, and left to suffer along the road. Taking time for others, even strangers, is at the heart of true ministry. I confess I have not always responded appropriately to the Jericho Road opportunities, but it is a joy to serve as a Good Samaritan.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


What's your favorite holiday?

As a child, Christmas is unsurpassed. Even today, the celebration of the birth of Christ is a special time to give gifts as a reminder of the greatest gift ever given, Jesus.

Resurrection Sunday, better known to many as Easter, is the demonstration of God's choice of Jesus, the Son of God. The grave not only did not, but could not hold him.

Pentecost probably does not rank very high on most people's list. Truth is, the birth of the Church ranks very highly in the economy of God. True, the incarnation initiates the plan of God, the resurrection validates the person of the Messiah, and the Ascension exalted him to the right hand of the Father. Pentecost launched the vehicle through which the Holy Spirit would fulfill the purpose of God on the earth. Indeed, theology deals with the major events of God's plan for his creation, but the issue that is currently most pressing is ecclesiology, i.e., the Church. The End Times consist of the not yet, but the NOW remains the most relevant and pivotal issue for the fulfillment of Missio Dei, the Mission of God.

Pentecost exists for much more than the opportunity to speak in a language never studied or learned. It is for the accomplishment of all God has for the future of mankind.

Friday, May 9, 2008


The PennDel Ministry Network just completed the annual conference at Calvary AG, Roland Coon, lead pastor, in Dover, DE. The people of Calvary are such sweet servants! I am sure they ministered effectively to all those who attended.

My thoughts today are reflective. Besides the business that necessitates members of an organization coming together from time to time, why do we travel all those miles, spend all those dollars, and take all that time in order to gather together in one place.

1. It seems to be something built into the fabric of human experience. People need people. The question is not if people come together, but what venue will draw them? To navigate this journey, we need each other. Are we dependent children? No, we are interdependent on one another and on the Lord. Doesn't the writer of Hebrews instruct, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together."

2. From time to time we require times of spiritual refreshment from the presence of the Lord. The Spirit of the Lord was so evident during the services in Dover. What a wonderful opportunity to follow the Lord's instruction when he told his disciples to come apart for a time.

3. Learning has become a life-long goal for me personally. I learned some things this past week that I would have missed had I not journeyed to Dover to share with my fellow travelers. Zollie Smith, Randy Hurst, and Mark Batterson taught me much about the ministry and life together. Several conversation proved encouraging and enlightening as we shared in the halls and hotel corridors.

4. Worship is so life giving. The musical expression of those who led the time of adoration and praise enriched my life and provided the atmosphere where God could penetrate my veneer and transform my life through the renewing of my mind.

5. The newly Ordained, newly credentialed, and the Jubilarians (those ordained for 50 years) reminded me of the significance of the call to ministry as well as the challenge to remain faithful to the one who placed that call upon my life over forty years ago as a youngster in high school.

The Navigation of this journey is not easy. It is a marathon, not a sprint. The conference was a reminder that we are "Better Together" because where there is unity, there the Lord "bestows his blessing, even life forevermore." Psalm 133.