Sunday, March 23, 2008

It is Finished!

The day is over! All the praying, planning, work, effort, and execution is now history. The church came together to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and many people came to church and experienced the presence of God.

Was it worth it! Absolutely! The joy of seeing people respond to the invitation to receive Christ cannot be put into words. Exhilerating!

The day is now over and we can relax. A job well done!

Hardly! The reality is that the work has just started. The seed has been sow but the work of nurturing the tender plant has just begun. To change analogies, the baby has been born but the care of the new born Christian has just gotten under way.

"It is finished!" accurately expresses the fact of the completed work of Christ wrought for our salvation. The work of the church in caring for one another and reaching out to shae our faith with travelers on this journey will continue until Jesus returns for his people. May we press on as faithful servants of the Lord. Much work remains. Let's keep praying, planning, and working to see others come to faith in Christ and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord.

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