Friday, February 8, 2008


Reflections on the Journey.
We travel the journey of life toward our destination with full assurance that our Guide will direct our steps, not only toward the goal, but placing our feet on solid ground (Proverbs 20:24). A recent study revealed Americans are spending less and less time outdoors, choosing rather the microclimate of the indoors, opting for a controlled environment. The winter months exagerate this phenomenom. My personal walking regimen simply transitions from the streets around our home to the treadmill in the basement. No excuse for a lack of exercise!

When the Scripture refers to our walk (I John 1:7), the dominant cultural mode of mobility revolved around foot travel. People walked everywhere. The roads were mostly unpaved, no motorized vehicles existed, and the population lived their lives in a relatively limited area by todays standards. Walking, as the primary means of travel, served well to provide an analogy for life.

Americans do most of their walking between the couch and refrigerator. Except for the distance to the garage or from the parking lot to the appropriate shelf of the store, our trips normally occur behind the steering wheel. The limited distance we travel on foot does not aid in our understanding of the journey of life we call our walk with the Lord.

Try an experiment to develop a deeper appreciation for your walk with God. Begin planning a ten to twenty mile walk. Check the weather conditions, proper attire, the right shoes, directions, and make sure you are healthy enough to go the distance. Walking in the light is not a reference toa trip to the bathroom at three in the morning. It is about a marathon, going the distance. Perhaps we will learn more about our life with Christ and at the same time become physically healthier. May we walk worthy of our calling.

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