Saturday, February 2, 2008


No, MI does not stand for Mission Impossible, rather Mission...Immigration.
This week I had the honor of meeting with two brothers in Christ from Russia who curently live in Philadelphia, PA. Their ministry reaches out to those with life controling issues like drug and alcohol addiction. Many individuals are being blessed by their efforts and Jesus continues to change lives. The ministry has resulted, not only in individuals coming to Christ, but also the formation of a Russian congregation. They are working on bring their new church into the Assemblies of God fellowship. What a thrill to sit down in fellowship with friends like these two humble, servants of God.

They informed me that currently there are over two hundred thousand Russian speaking individuals in the Philadelphia area, many of them Russian Jews. Often they come due to religious persecution and some for political asylum while others are here for economic or family reasons. Whatever the reason, they have come. Think of the reality of what is happening right here in Pennsylvania. If these individuals were placed in one community, they would be considered the third largest city in the state of Pennsylvania. God is doing something absolutely amazing in our world today. As we Navigate through life's journey, perhaps God is bringing friends our way that we can bless and that can be a blessing to us. Mission Immigration is here!

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