Sunday, January 18, 2009


Excitement, anticipation, and hope mark the nation as we await the inauguration of our new President. Many have set the bar so high for the new President that it is hard believe anyone could live up to the hype. Others criticize to the point of negativism with unsubstantiated rumor and gossip unbecoming for followers of Jesus. The Bible calls for believers to pray for our leaders. We need not agree with all policies to recognize our responsibility to intercede for those in authority over us. Politics have never been the real hope of America or any other nation on earth. Our hope is in the Lord. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." The responsibility for righteousness rests with the people of God.

The media covers the events leading up to the swearing in ceremony providing a view of the party atmosphere that surrounds the event. I am reminded of another "party" that is coming, I believe in the near future. The day is coming when the King will return and begin his rule here on this planet. Economic challenges, peace in the Middle East, wars around the world will be under His dominion and control. The excitement, anticipation, and hope will be fulfilled in Jesus. We do pray for our nation and the issues that impact our world. However, our hope is in Christ. He alone will have the ultimate answers to our sin sick, disease ridden, war torn world. Even so, come Lord Jesus!

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