Sunday, October 26, 2008


The recent financial crisis, both domestic and global, have brought many to a place of anxiety in their personal lives as well as regarding the future of our nation and world. It doesn't seem to matter what your practices have been as an individual. You may be very disciplined in your financial dealings, but the fact is that you and I are impacted by what is happening in the world today. By not getting into debt, living within you means, and giving the Lord first priority in our lives, including tithing, provides a confidence for the future. That does not mean we will not experience any negative effects from the environment in which we live, but we can be confident the the righteous will not be forsaken. PTL!

Two passages come to mind during these challenging times. The first one states "If my people whio are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14) The responsibility for our nation is significantly influenced by the people of God. When the Church becomes the Church Jesus intended it to be, the nation will be greatly benefited. We as the people of God must get serious about serving God and all that means. We are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. The second passage states "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3) This Scripture challenges me to search my heart and re-examine my actions. It seems to leave you with the answer, "Not much!" This is where our faith and trust in the Lord comes into view. Some things we can change, others we cannot. Either way, our trust is in the Lord. He holds our future. Our trust in not in a politician, political party, financial advisors, Wall Street or anyone else.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5-6) It is good to know our confidence is in Him!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Enrichment Reflections

Many have commented on this year's Ministers Enrichment with Dr. David Lim. Two areas were of particular significance for me.

First, many individuals were significantly impacted by the ministry. I lost count how many people made comments like, "I was set free" and "God broke through in my life" and "I can go home and continue to minister for Christ," etc. There was great personal encouragement received by many during this week at the Conference Center. Several specifically asked that I invite Dr. Lim back to minister to us again. I don't currently have any plans for that to happen, but we will be in prayer for what God has for us in the future.

Second, the corporate ministry was significant. Three issues stand out to me. One, the body ministered in awesome ways to the body. This was the most powerful time I have ever observed of pastors praying for and encouraging one another. It reinforces to me the truth that "We're Better Together." Two, learning the principles of how to test the gifts was very helpful. Some have made the gifts so sacred that to test them is unacceptable. That concept is not biblical and practicing the discernment through accountability and feedback was very helpful. Three, we as Pentecostal should be very aware of the voice of God in our inner man. The reality is that we all too often wait for God to "scream" at us through the more demonstrative gifts, whereas learning to listen to the still small voice of our Lord is so important.

Spirit living is supernatural, but as we heard once again, it is also natural. The balance is healthy and helpful to us all. May the Spirit lead us into all He has for us so that Jesus may be exalted in all things!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Spirit Living

Spirit (notice the capital S) living expresses the vast dimensions available to those desiring the full expression of God's presence in the individual's life. It does not provide a comparative matrix between various individuals but it does relate to the difference in one's own life and ministry. To navigate the journey of life and ministry, I for one, need all of God's grace and empowerment that is available to me. If I compare my effectiveness with someone else, as either better of worse, more or less effective, with greater or lesser success, I have missed the point of what God can do in and through me and have revealed my lack of spiritual maturity. Spirit living is not about pastoring a big or little church. It is about fully being all God wants me to be. As we prepare for this coming week at our annual Ministers Enrichment, I would like to make several points.

First, the gifts of the Spirit are given by the Holy Spirit as He chooses, not according to what we want. Why He gives certain gifts to some and no to others may never be understood this side of heaven. We must be content with that reality.

Second, Spiritual gifts do not make us any better than anyone else. The Scripture clearly teaches that every member of the body of Christ has been given gifts. Therefore, we are all equal with none superior to anyone else.

Third, walking in the Spirit should make us more holy. Speaking in tongues is a door to a different dimension of the Spirit, but all of us have known individuals who speak in tongues without the accompanying manifestation of humility, meekness, gentleness, or love. May that never be said of you or me!

Fourth, we believe that speaking in tongues is the initial physical evidence of the baptism of the Spirit, but it is not the only evidence of Spirit living. The fruit of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and the empowerment of the Spirit all play important rolls in this journey of life and mininstry.

Fifth, nothing can take the place of an individual's personal walk with God. I have seen, and you may have as well, individuals who have experienced the IPE, been used in some of the gifts, and have effectively ministered in a variety of ways but have not continued to walk with Christ. There is no substitute for daily times of prayer and meditating on the Word of God, walking in holiness, and living out the life of faith through good times and as well as trials. The fruit of the Spirit should always be prominant in Spirit living.

Finally, we need a genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We don't need more hype or man initiated revelations. We don't need the newspaper and media people to spread the story of what happens. We need to humble ourselves before God and simply let Him have his way. This may have no results relating to church growth or our personal reputation, but if we gain favor with the Lord, that will be enough.