Thursday, July 10, 2008


As my #50 post on my blog, it seems appropriate that missions is my topic. Jubilee is the 50 year celebration of liberty, freedom, setting the captive free. This week has been a great experience at the AGWM School of Missions. The incredible expansion of the kingdom around the world is encouraging indeed.

The AG was founded with a primary purpose of reaching the world for Christ. That purpose and passion continue to drive us as people of God. No one I know would claim the AG is perfect, but we are grateful for the opportunity of being part of something so much bigger than any of us. One theme we heard this week was the importance of right procedures. Obviously, the anointing of the Spirit, the gift of tongues, the planting of church, right doctrine, and the training for ministry are critical parts of God's plan for his people. In addition, the indigenous church principle has been a cornerstone of the AG missions philosophy. The results of that approach (self-supporting, self-governing, self-propagating churches) has brought success in the missions endeavor that has surpassed all expectations. With a global constituency of now approaching 60 million people, the task continues to be great. While God has done incredible things through our fellowship, may we not grow weary in well doing, i.e., missions efforts.

The world is our mission field. That includes the USA as well as lands across the sea and those within our own borders, i.e., home and foreign missions. May we recommit ourselves to the Great Commission as givers/senders, goers, and prayers. We can accomplish God's purpose as we are committed together to the cause of Christ.

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